Friday, July 16, 2010

****Personal finance mangement

So I thought I would share this wonderful personal finance manage website with you all. I personally started this about 6 months ago and absolutely love it! It tracks where our money is going, how we are spending it and on what and it even helped my husband and I start on a budget which we were horrible at until we started with
Personally  I love it, and I think it’s only going to get better. This is the new world, and services like Mint can make our lives infinitely easier! If you haven't already checked this out I encourage you to take a look and see if it helps you and your family save, budget, and eliminate where you can and also ensure you are saving as well. I never realized where our money was going until we started tracking it and boy let me tell you were we surprised!!! Now we were able to cut out those unnecessary stops to the gas station, late fees for movies and so much more! We realize that our money is going where we need it to be going now and we are able to save and also eliminate debt with managing our budget with It is fairly easy to get started. I will in the up coming week take you step by step into and share with you how we are able budget with Until then I really encourage you all to take a look at Mint.

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