Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How to Organize coupons with out the hassle!

So many of you are probably trying to figure out how I keep my coupons organized! I will be honest and say that for the longest time I used to cut out all the coupons that I would get and sort them by department and alphabetize them FINALLY I realized that it was taking way to long to cut out all the coupons and YES it took me forever!! I then started looking for another way to save all the coupons and found a way that works for me! What has worked for me is to file the whole insert and go to the coupon preview and print that weeks list. I will usually browse the coupon insert and make sure that what I have printed matches the coupon preview. There are times that you will find it doesn't match because a coupons or values may be regional. I will then put my coupon preview in with the insert and file it! It is that easy, then when I want to make my list I can either go to the coupon database or browse my insert preview. I also have an expandable folder that I do carry with me when I go shopping, I usually will put my list, coupons, ad's, Freebie coupons, and specific store coupons in there. I have found that this really works for me not only do I go to the store for specific items that are on my list. I am not tempted to purchase more then what I have coupons for. If I find a deal at the store that I know I have coupons for I make a list go home find my coupons and when I am in town next I pick up the rest of what I did not get. It is that simple, No more waisted time on clipping coupons, or sorting them by department or name!!

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